Sweet on u
Diary & Poems
My Mario Comic
Old pics of peeps
songs of da week
Its all about Me
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Kissing!!!!!!!and relationships
Diary & Poems
Old Pix of Peeps n VirginiaBeach

I love writting and poetry is a good way to express yourself without giving the details of whats going on.

Prom was a BLAST too!! I didnt have a date cuz my bf and I broke it off a week b4, Dusty would have been fun and would have danced with me but he just wasnt able to make it, and Josh Ritter was outta town. NEways I think I had more fun just going with my girls Erica, Ceclia, and Ellen. Cuz Cody doesnt like to dance and I just told Josh I would invite him cuz he wanted to go

ManNN...I dont wanna go home.  Life in Virgina Beach is awsome! So much freedom. I wanna c my man and my ppl n goto church but my dad. I'll get off the plane He'll ask how my trip was n I'll say fine he'll say he "missed" me n i'll be like uhhu well get home then he'll go through my bag (hes phyco like that) n then he'll be like so what else happened then i'll tell him im back with cody again n then he'll be like no ur not n then i'll tell him i wanna goto dustys house soon n he'll be like y the hell would u wanna c that lil shit? n we'll start arguing cuz i wanna use the phone start screaming something will get broken I'll try to run away again n he'll block the door n take my bag n i'll goto my room n attept breaking the window n then he'll come in and beat the crap outta me AGAIN thus more yellin and stuff ya its hell

Diary: Ya well there's nothing much going on just got cool with one of my oldest friends if thats what u wanna call us. It was really nice knowing they cared....I'm  very happy knowing a special someone loves me and I love him...I would like to get to know more of him tho...besides DRUM PRACTICE!!!Ya and I'm pretty happy now plus I think I know what I wanna do with my life now...I want to be a marriage counselor. I've been through alot over the past 3 or 4 yrs and I witness alot of what my parents went through so I figure I can use those experiences to help others.Plus I've always loved researching stuff about the human mind manly cuz I dont understand mine so I can use my research to my advantage too.

"Fluttering form the darkness"
You've let me down again,
Clipped my wings of flight
lift my head off the floor
before I die tonight.
My art is slipping into a dark pool
An over whelming sadness brought on x3
for breaking God's rule
Rvive me of my dying gasps
so much hardship for a simple task
Told to be a crew
is now untrue
the beast keeps tearing
But you trio shed what you've
been fakely wearing
Whom I chose enwrapped in my slumber
let your hands entertwine 
as our days number
Nolonger entrapped in an emotional cave
the bricks over the foot prints
have already been laid
A memory that has made me stronger
will last nolonger
Only in nightmares in a lesson taught
my demon has been fought

"For the New"
Lavender, to clarity and peace
may my life have an everlasting feast
Indigo,for the face that haunts
may it nolonger daunt
it's brought to counsel
with the stars high in the breeze
Instead of again a tear stained pillow
curled to my knees
"And they taught me"
And the godess taught me what love is
and who a person destoryed by it is
Why does no one understand?
When they claim to be the son of man
Will our children see another day?
or will the grasslands fall to decay?
All alone in a darkenend room
no one to run to, nowhere to hide
nolonger anyone to confide
anywhere I run there is a threat to die
at last I wonder why
Rise me up from this forgotten place
where you left me with out a trace
put a soul in this body so hollow
then to you I will follow
Everytime we get near
we pull back in fear
Anger falls at my demise
but you I never truely despise
love can detect the faults of epitome
depression rushes because you let me be
"Through narrow eyes"
My voice has gone unheard
though in my heart are still important words
wishful thinking to posses the natal talent
to form into writtings
Instead of expressing again I'll go into hidding
Never again will my hum touch your ears
of loosing love or friendships fears
you can not contain what you never had
nor can you maintain a relationship gone bad
All things can go abreast
supposedly it's apart of times test
lifes two narrow roads
emity towards pain is how life goads
blinded to whats behind your boarders
your narrowed eyes can not see
all sorrow unlocked by a demons key
every sad melody can apply
somethings in life will never die
"Heaven will save me"
Never again will you touch this broken
heart that took forever to mend
I've blocked my eyes so you can't see
if I start to bend
despisng the hum of every word thats spoken
the triumph, you will never see as a token
Can't even hear the words you've earned
that destroy my sanity
bringing me to my knees curssing he
desperately needing to be revived of this hell
and heavens come to collect its bail
unconditional warmth is broken
the river has met its end
all your troubles you will have to blend
an antique musical snow played all throught the night
Such as my heart untill it saw the light
reaching up and grasps the open hand
simple peace comes at demand
"If your eyes could see"
You'll never know my sorrows or my worries of tommorrow
when you look into my eyes and ask what you see
I can't even tell u whats bothering me
If you really saw whats behind my eyes
you would witness, you would see my soul die
sometimes I wonder why it has to be this way
I wonder how without you I get through the day
If you could see the depth of my pain
continuous burning like a firey flame
Then you question the way I act
why it looks as if my heart is black
my cause for this is known, made me cold as stone
I fear that I will be left behind
I was told I am last in line
Could I trust you with what my thoughts might be?
If only your eyes could see
waiting patiently for my day to come
anticipating, where the touch is from
the wealth of the heart is a wonderous thing
is the mure existance of our being
all access of the key
however, nothing comes for free
From the first to the last of the anguished
arrives as priced, arriving to chastise
chambers are harsh all will be vanquished
Sickness and despair have been floating through the air
abandoned for companions first kiss
the closeness has not gone unmissed
ignorance and abuse of fellow youth
always alone in a full room
not yet free from shyness cocoon
the tears have caused and undying headace
from all the stress of a never ending heartbreak
it isnt fair not to appreciate such gifts
can only hope for one perfect night of bliss
out on the waters with gental curls
all over the floor as our gracefulness twirls
communication has broken down
telepathy is now where to be found
"Song for Erica"
Gods eyes see your pain
and will wash it away with the morning rain
untill that day maybe
ever loving friendship is what you'll see
we will carry you through in our arms
out of darkness bonds harm
let your emotions flow
so you can beging to let go
even when it seems nothings clear
stay close to those who hold you dear
just understand that now their gone
live for them as if they live on
remember the days and let the tears fall at bay
love sings in the air till you have repaired
Dont want to feel this depression
because of your congression
want it all but into darkness I fall
you are every thought that enters my mind
the poem I wite everytime
only our ballads of heartbreak and goodbyes
wont let these tears dry
everytime your let back in
again, a lost soul must begin
values have been shattered
has it at least mattered?
impendingness has made its divide
would you remember if I died?
each night sticking the sword through the past
constantly conjuring a new question saying its the last
could it be felt to wake up from a tragic sleep
and your pillows wet from a pain so deep
this you will never truely know
Please just let me go...
Can you hear me?
I'm screaming in my burdened home
where I've become so numb
my enitity seeks joy and sees none
as the colors change my being still reverts to spring
when I thought God had finally caught me under his wing
then the demon starts his sway
and nights overcome the day
the rose had turned black and is dripping blood
in sync with my dying flood

"Growing apart"
an unearthly silence broken by monotone words 
desperate cries have gone unheard
will the sun ever shine again?
does time remember when?
if thoughts could be read
the miles could have been saved that were tread
why does this still exist?
the lingering prescence has been lost in the mist
so sleep a little.. While the tears fall like an evening rain
maybe the river will end the pain
the deceit and the stones thrown
have caused hate to be grown
distance blowing against the wind
finding experiences start to blend
"In the darkness"
Take my darkness and bring me into the light
God hears my tears all through the night
May I ask do you sense my tears?
you are causing all of my fears
Now I'm drowning in your fountains
The curses will count in
Your presence lingers in my nights slumber
and my heart was caught in the the thunder
the power of the serpant entices
and draws in left overs of what my life is
tumbling past years hills
will these voids ever be filled?
Heaven has given the gift of my art
but you have taught my pen where to start
Evanesance describes my lost desires,
how my soul has been burnt by the fires
Everytime, I hear those words.
I am reminded how a voice has gone unheard
Why is it I still hunger for your secrets?
Instead of watching the wind blow and forsaking it?
Small demonic wispers on occassion plaque the room
but mostly the death of noise is staring at the moon
Till again the sunlight touches my skin
the blue eturnal light captivates and takes me in.
"Riding on the wings of love"
You understand my desolation
and I desire to connect hearts without hesitation
Riding on the wings of the bird of love
desperate nightly cries have been noticed from above
a radiant light has kissed my lips
the pain of yesterdays tommorrow now never to be missed
This bird that soars through my mind
it seems you have all the answers I've been sailing to find
we share eachothers foot prints and forever our fingers have intertwined
together we have broken the ties that bind
you appreciate this art
with love, God has charcoled you and shot us with his dart
never stop the blood running through
"Ich Leibe Du" only for you.
"Passion for Angelus"
Bring me to my knees with tears stained
all you have lead me to believe has left me pained
Why did you deceive?
instead now you've left me with an undying need to grief
a peace of heaven has insipired
all the writtings of ones desire
love has died in lies
burning the binding ties
the fathers vain has devoured your name
devastating in you splendored shame
striving for improvement never wavers
every word has been savored
if there was a spell to make love and lies disappear
it would be conjured without fear
"Through the window of the saved"
a faint shimmer in the dark
the dreams know my mark
your essance is pure
for every ace you are my cure
for every letter you are whom I write
for every sunrise you gleam in the morning light
Heaven isnt a far off place when I'm with you
the Song of Songs was written by us two
I am like a crystal in the light
because my glance is enchanted to be in your sight
your voice is a soft melody
each soft rythm running through me
every imperfection is perfected
with you nothing goes undetected
you are my idol, my savior, each moment I'll savor
Do you remember that little girl you left in tears?
Did you know you brought to life all hear fears?
look at the destroyed inocence
peer into this childs eyes and see how hatered destroys lifes
children are not born into this world to save the lack of the wise
but to preserve whats been disfigured by demons knifes
Anger rises because of those I despise
Darkness falls at my demise
Everything has been boxed
All the deceit you have brought
laughing at your attept to bring me down again
was this traitor ever truely a friend?
Now I realize what a monster you've become
Not the same kindness I knew when first begun
A lost soul looking for compassion
is now chasing after cheap thrills that will chash in
Thankyou for the memories
may your conscience never be at ease
Being capable of so much more
instead of waiting at sickness door
So happy now that its faded away
I hope this feeling will stay
Free and strong are all I taste
but like a wolf in the night
he brings insecurities to my face
this fiend is a friendly antagonist
drawn to things long left behind
when all eyes can see his shrine
aquaintences are his only savior
conscience thought is overwhelming
torn between 3 worlds and a 4th unknown
will times true destiny ever be shown?
the face of those who should be loved
all have flown away on the wings of a dove
all spells cast aside
behind hurt there is nolonger room to hide
still seeing one face in my dreams
that score will forever haunt my life it seems
to a previous time and place through that portal
sometimes its the only way to remind me that we're still mortal

All my sin and shame have left me in a cave
in the darkness quietly, wanting to be saved
will we ever look up to heaven and see the translucent glow?
or the truth we will never know?
Please God give me the words to say
or the power to let come what bay
when I look up into the blue windows
instead of trust fire is seen and know
the tribulation has to be near
the hell mouth is here
where are you when I'm screaming?
where are you when I need redeeming?
Didnt fate warn me it would all fade away
three teeth sunken so deep
(ya didnt finish it yet)

Love and Lies

When I look in your


I see my heart

As if it was in your


In your eyes

I see my dreams

My love and my life

Ever little thing you do

Seems to captivate me

Why must it hurt?

Why must I feel like


My heart longs for

Your touch and

Your sweet gentle kiss

Upon my face

In your eyes I see

Nothing but lies

And pain that will pull


From the love I once

saw in you eyes.

I didnt write this but I

liked it so much cuz its


I feel alot of times. One

of Brittanys friends

Roslyn I think wrote it

"Better than completely miserable"

There is something u need to hear
I changed my world without fear
and I continue hurting everyday
and pray its face and all the change would fade away
My wings were clipped
and now their slightly burned
I want to shed my tears but for
another they were already earned
deceived thoughts were spoken
but in a bottle all emotions that are ment to show go in
No matter how it tries to be left
into the open it is swept
the promises that werent kept
words that one can never forget
actions that cant be forgiven
because I wasnt forgiven
and now for the new it has spoiled trust
now it is feared that it is all lust
a creature of the night is now back in its closet
afraid of what its color will cost it
why is it these ryhms are never written of joy?
Always the pain of a demons toy
a new experiment that was always there
will have to stay in another layer
after all the games have been played
who would have known on the savior a foundation is laid
Cant agree on lullabys
Knots formed by a binding tie
on to a new horse to hope to jump
what would happen if I cant live up to the stunt...
Compromise is better than being alone better than being completely miserable